RTA Update 7/27/13
It has been another busy week for me. Earlier this week I was sick and had heat exhaustion. The rest of the week I have Worked my normal Job and in between of taking care of personal matters I have been working my tail off studying. Right now I have started chapter 9 of the Sybex CCNA Study Guide 7th Edition book and I have been averaging about 85-90 on the end of chapter assessments.
Today was a good lab day. I worked with 4 routers and 8 workstations to simulate a corporate Hub and Spoke Technology implementing Static Routes, Default Routes and the ever so popular RIP routing protocol. I was able to get the topology running with ease.
The configs for Rip were quite easy and it was done within a matter of 30 minutes time. That is time to set the topology up within GNS3, configure the administrative items on the routers such has host names, enable password, Console and VTY login information and banners for good measure Setting up SSH.
Now I have moved onto the next chapter of the book and I am restudying up on EIGRP and OSPF basics. It looks like I will need need to take my time with these chapters as there a lot of terms and theories involved with EIGRP and OSPF.
I know that many people I have talked with told me “You know the material, Why don’t you just take the exam.” I have told them that I rather be safe than sorry. I want to make sure I KNOW the material as opposed to as i know the material. There are a lot of information that I have forgotten over the past 3 years and as I stressed before I want to make sure my foundation is built right so that I can build up from there.
It is now time for me to get going as I have work at 8 am and I need some sleep. Good night everyone and have a great Day.
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