Category: Family


RTA Update 3/3/13

It has been a while since I have posted here. Things have been crazy. I have returned to work after being out sick for 2 weeks with a bad case of the flu and I was in the process of moving.  As of February 19, 2013 my family and I have been fully moved into the new house.  The long process of unpacking and making the house a home has begun. I have started making progress in setting up my home network to the new network design I created months ago. My Internet has been installed and I experienced a...


RTA Update 12/12/12

Here is another exciting edition of RTA Update. I was busy today.  I had some of my friends visiting me since we haven’t seen each other for a while and they wanted to see how I was feeling since I haven’t been feeling well lately.  We wound up playing some Video Games on the PS3, WII and PC. We enjoyed a good time. It was what I have been looking for since I haven’t been feeling well. On Tuesday I went to the doctor about my Panic/Anxiety attacks. My doctor adjusted some of medicine as well as gave me an...