Category: Projects


My CCNP Certification Progress

CCNP Route Part 2   It has been a couple of days since I started my CCNP Route studying and I have hit my first stumbling point.  It wasn’t the configuration of  EIGRP as a whole. I was able to remember and grasp the concepts of Passive Interfaces, Network Commands, Un-Equal Cost Load Balancing as well as authentication and utilizing the bandwidth percent command. The problem that I was having was the configuration of frame relay. The frame relay lab topology I was working with has 3 routers in a hub and spoke topology. The simulated wan backbone was a...

Ron the admin Logo 0

My CCNP Certification Progress

CCNP Route Part 1. It has been close to 3 months since I picked up any CISCO Certification books or materials. There has been so much going on and I had to put some of my goals on hold while I sorted everything out. Since I have been sick due to vertigo, dizziness and bouts of light-headed feelings I figured it would be good for me to get back on track. I have started watching the CBT Nuggets CCNP Route video series. So far I have completed the the first 6 videos in the series. The first video is an...


PFSENSE a DIY Router/Firewall

I have worked with computer networks for 10+ years. I have seen many routers and firewalls for home use. The home networking market is flooded with devices from Linksys, Netgear, Belkin, and Apple. For most users they are fine offering capabilities as wireless access, port forwarding,  Address Translation and basic to intermediate firewalls.  Some of theses devices are good others can be horrible. I have seen many with buggy firmware causing the device to crash, randomly reboot, drop connections, offer poor performance and in fail completely. I am not saying these devices should be looked down upon or thrown out,...