Category: Computers


RTA Update June 4th

It has been just a little over a month since my last blog entry. Things have been very chaotic and busy with me and I have not had the time to make a schedule for regular blog entries. This is because I work full time and attend school for my Bachelor’s Degree in Network Engineering and Communications management. Other than that, things have been decent for the most part. In May, I had a series of events that would make anyone go crazy. I had a dryer fail on me, water heater leaking beyond repair, New Dryer catching on fire...


Computer Preventative Maintenance

Spring is officially here and it is a good idea to do some P.C Spring Cleaning. Computer preventative maintenance can help prolong the life of your operating system and keeping the computer system running well. It doesn’t take that much work and in most cases can be done in less than an hour or so depending on your computers configuration. The first step in preventative maintenance is physical cleaning. This can be done with basic tools such as compressed air, cotton swabs, electronic cleaning agents and a screw driver. In this step, you would open the side of the computer...


Computer Repair

It has been a while since I have posted an entry here on my blog. Things have been quite busy and between Working full-time and School work, my free time has been pretty limited. Since The March 2014 session started I have been toiling away on Statistics and Computer Repair. Both classes are both interesting and challenging. As an update I have passed both my classes for last session. I currently hold a 4.0 GPA and made the Deans List at DeVry. The Computer Hardware and Software W/ Lab class is a good class for those who are looking at...