Category: Technology


Certification Q&A: The Basics Of Certification

I found this blog entry and I find that it is pretty spot on. Certifications are key for advancement, but experience with your certification will make you go places. * What does certified mean? There are four accepted meanings of the adjective “certified” but only two of which satisfy the needed meaning. To be certified means to be endorsed with authority by an institution or a person with higher position after one…


My network engineering career journey

The Start of my Career Journey This is a retrospective of my journey into the I.T. world and how I became a network Engineer. My journey into the world of IT started about twenty years go. I was a teenager trying to figure out what I wanted to do with my life after high school. What kind of career did I want? Who do I want to become? How do I want to grow? Those were some of the questions I was asking myself as my High School Graduation approached in 2003.   In 1999 my brother bought me my first...


2018 Goals

The year 2017 has been a very productive year for me. I was promoted to a new position with Spectrum and I moved to North Carolina. This year I passed my CCNA Security Certification and the CCNP Route & Switch Certification. I have gained valuable work experience working in the Managed Services Team and I am growing professionally. Over the past two years I have accomplished many goals. I graduated with my Bachelors Degree and became a network engineer. While obtaining those industry standard certification. At this time I will need to adjust my career pathing goals with new short...