Tagged: Certifications


RTA update Setpember 2015

I have been feverishly working on multiple projects over the past several months. I have been working hard with work, school and certification training. The July 2015 session has finished. I have passed both classes with A’s. The first class that I passed was the career development class. This class is very beneficial as it teaches skills for interviewing, resume creation and networking. One of the projects that I was able to do was my portfolio. During the class, I have created a work portfolio. It can be found at http://portfolio.rontheadmin.com. The purpose of the portfolio is to market myself....


RTA Update 2/23/14

It is the close to the end of February and my January Session of school is wrapping up next week. So far it has been a fast paced session with interesting discussion topics and heavy work load. I have been put through my paces and I have the rest of this week and up to Thursday of next week to finish. The Legal Environment class I am in has proved to be quite interesting and challenging. The subject matter and discussion were both enlightening and food for thought. As of today, my grade in the class is about 91.6%. I...


Powers of two, an important skill to master.

Working on computers and networking for over a decade there is one skill set that I recommend anyone who works on computers to know. This skill set is the “Power of Two”. The powers of two is an import skill to master. Mastering this skill will help when subnetting, supernetting and writing access lists or programs. Since computers communicate digitally it interprets data in zeros and ones. This is why knowing your powers of twos will help. For example. If you are subnetting you can use the power of two to determine how many bits to borrow for hosts and...