Welcome to Ron the Admin


RTA update 5/2/13

Good afternoon everyone, Ron back with  another update since my last post. Things have been going fairly well for the most part. I have been working full-time at my current job and getting settled into the house has been a big challenge. We had some hiccups over the past couple of weeks such as having to get a plumber in to fix the main sewer stack and some faulty electrical wiring but those have been rectified and things are well. We had a nice vinyl privacy fence installed and are going to have a 15 foot above ground pool installed...


RTA Update 4/16/13

Again, it has been a while since I have posted here on my blog. Things have been a bit chaotic and stressful lately. I have missed my opportunity to renew my CCNA due some pressing personal matters but I plan on retaking the test soon after I get some spare cash to pay for the exam as the price has risen to 300 dollars. Other than that, I have been working hard and settling  into my house. We are pretty much all settled in and working on the small odds and ends. All of that is to be expected since we have...


RTA Update 3/3/13

It has been a while since I have posted here. Things have been crazy. I have returned to work after being out sick for 2 weeks with a bad case of the flu and I was in the process of moving.  As of February 19, 2013 my family and I have been fully moved into the new house.  The long process of unpacking and making the house a home has begun. I have started making progress in setting up my home network to the new network design I created months ago. My Internet has been installed and I experienced a...